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segunda-feira, novembro 22, 2004

As Nações Unidas procuram ganhar um papel central na governação global da Internet

CONSIDER the differences: the global telephone system is co-ordinated by a United Nations agency; countries enjoy sovereignty over phone numbers, have national regulators and license operators. But the internet is managed by a non-profit organisation that reports to America's Commerce Department; national laws are hard to enforce and even suffixes (like .es for Spain) exist in a grey area. A fight is on over whether governments should manage the internet more closely.
The battle moves to Geneva on November 23rd for the first meeting of the UN Working Group on Internet Governance. Tensions are inevitable among the 40 recently appointed delegates. Many countries are dissatisfied with the way the internet's technical standards are set, the policy for things such as domain names and valuable internet-protocol numbers (used by computers to connect online).

From "The Economist" (requires subscription)


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