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quarta-feira, janeiro 26, 2005

No momento em que se lança o Portal Móvel do Cidadão: m-Government Gets Serious

m-Government has been bandied around like a dot-com buzzword, with little real impact. Now, some governments around the world, and not the usual suspects either, are taking steps beyond simple SMS notifications.
Three key areas that are being explored are voting, payments and 3G.

Mobile voting is attractive around the world as a way of encouraging participation, particularly among the young and in remote areas. It is also potentially far cheaper than other alternatives. Puca will use its research results to push the Irish government to deploy new mobile voting platforms. In the Irish survey, 55% of the 25-34 year old age group was interested about being able to vote by SMS. Given only 42% of this age group voted in the last Irish election, this would represent a major boost to the number of younger voters.

Payment for services has been starting off with one-off payments such as m-parking in cities around the world. Other governments have been looking at allowing the public to pay for public services, such as tax being paid from a mobile device.

Although there is uncertainty around the impact and penetration of 3G, many governments are looking at ways of taking advantage of it. Those countries that have trialled different mobile technologies are confident that as users are more comfortable with m-government, they will be prepared to try 3G services. However, the main advantage of 3G could be as a way of overcoming current resistance to the evolution of m-Government. These typically include security, interoperability and cost.

TheFeature :: m-Government Gets Serious

Púca mGovernment Survey Indicates Strong Demand In Ireland for Services via Mobile Phone


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